Tuesday, March 15, 2016

SOL 15 - We're Halfway There

     Woooahh! Livin' on a prayer!
Image result for slice of life     Halfway done with this slice of life contest. Almost. Curse the 31 days of March! Why can it not be 30?
     I've struggled to come up with new ideas every day. I've spent weeks writing post after post, laboring in the fields. I have left my husband and 140 children to fight for my country and post a blog every day.
     And for what? Why should I not give up now? The Starbucks is the reason I'm still fighting. The trip to Starbucks, the wonderful taste of a cotton candy frappucino, that is why I'm still holding on. How proud my family will be when I return from war with an empty cup and a little green straw! We will rejoice by the fire and sing songs of my success.
     I will keep fighting. I will brave the harsh winds of Internet problems, I will push through the oceans of boredom, to get to my beloved Starbucks.

~Excerpt from The Battle of the SOLs


  1. Clever idea and nice execution. This is very creative; good job.

  2. Haha! This is a very creative slice! Yay, we are HALFWAY THERE!!!!!! OOOOHHH! LIVEIN' ON A PRAYER!

  3. The good thing about 31 days is on day 16 it will be halfway exactly!

  4. Haha! Cool slice! I really like how you started it!

  5. Love your idea of this post, frustrated because you couldn't think of another one.
